Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hope i am stronger than before.

I dun wanna think to much starting from now.

I am letting go of my past.


thank u, prof. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kadang2 mmg susah jd perempuan ni... Sebenarnye, aku pon xtau nape aku rase jeles, menyampah, tak suke...etc..etc... and yea, aku mmg agree ape fana ckp, perempuan ni mmg susah, mcm die rase.. perempuan vs perempuan lagi la... kadang2 jeles sbb tgk perempuan lain ade baju baru, kasut/ beg mahal... ye... ye... aku pon mcm tu jgk kadang2... ble pikir2 balik, asal la aku nak jeles, kan? kalo bg peluang pun, blom tentu aku nak benda yg same.. so, mmg betol la, perempuan ni mmg ade byk nafsu, berbanding lelaki..

tp kan, aku mmg x suke la perasaan yg mcm ni.. perasaan jeles2 ni... kalo perempuan lain, x kisah la, coz diri sendiri kan.. kalo boleh buang perasaan ni, aku mmg campak jauh2.. slalu kalo aku rase jeles, aku msti pikir positif balik.. mostly try utk buang perasaan ni...

susahnye jadi perempuan ni... mood berubah2... -_________-"

Friday, November 18, 2011

just smile :)

Busy sgt2 few weeks ni.. bayangkan,research sume nak kene complete n hantar kat lecturer, at d same time ade byk presentations, and kene gi hospital clerk case, jumpe patient, then kat kolej plak kene jumpe juniors, reflection yg asek kene ubah tarikh je... minggu ni, hari2 kene ujan.. mmg sesema n sakit kepala... kdg2 ble dh letih tu, tido smpai x leh nk bgun. terpaksa la set 5 alarm to make sure bangun utk wat keje...

"terbaca" or sengaje baca satu blog ni.. xtaw la nape suke sgt bukak blog die.. mybe i'm still afraid if she still has the same feelings like before. i just want to ensure that she totally let go of him and find someone else. sometimes tertanye2 kt diri sndiri.. aku  xpcaya si dia ke? x la.. aku percaya.. aku x kisah pun die nk wat pe, mmg aku dh x control die lg. coz d best way for us, xnak gaduh, .. so mmg xde control2 lg... but die pun dh main pandai jaga hati ni... if ape2 he will ensure yg aku x rase kecik ati.. aku tau die takut kalo aku kecik ati.. coz die mmg xtaw nak wat pe..

but, antara semua, die mmg yg terbaik. even aku ni byk kekurangan, and aku confirm sgt kalo dgn org lain, msti dh break (based from d past). tp dgn die, die sabar je, and he understands my situation. kadang2 rase malu dgn die. coz aku marah lebih2, tp die diam je, and biar aku cook down sndiri, and then still come and approach me with smile. serius, mmg susah nk cari org mcm die. i'm very lucky. :)

some of my friends ade "problem" and die cite mase reflection. kdg2 sedih sgt bile kite dh kawan rapat dgn seseorang, then suddenly gaduh besar, then trus x kawan lgsg. smpai xleh tgk muka.. dorang mmg rapat sgt2, but dorang now dh mcm strangers. sedih plak bile tgk keadaan mcm tu..

hmm.. in terms of academic plak, now mmg aku rase aku ni mcm sedikit "slow". coz kdg2 mse lecturer ckp, asal la aku mcm blur sgt? bukannye aku xtau, aku juz xdpt catch ape yg die ckp... agaknye coz few weeks ni byk mkn mcD kot. ntah ape mimp aku ngidam mcD. hahaha chicken mcbite tersgt la sedap... :D so, kene wat research lagi and kene study utk final exam. next week is study week, so ade 1 week je nk revise sume... hope sempat..

so, this december, after final exam and research, aku nak enjoy~~~ muahahaha

Saturday, November 12, 2011

tak suka

since everyone obsessed dgn tarikh 11.11.11 ni, smpai sume org nak kawen mase ni la, nak lahir anak mase ni la.. and sume tu perkara yg happy2 je.. :) tp ade la sesetengah org yg tak open-minded and maybe dorang jeles or whatever, siap mintak pandagan ustaz lagi psal benda ni. for me, biase la tu, tarikh tu cantik, senang nak ingat, mesti la sume org nak wat mase tu kan.. tp plan je la, some of people, plan je, tp x dpt buat pun.. what if ur birthday mase 11 november, and suddenly dis year kene plak 11.11.11, then ade org tu ckp tarikh tu bodoh, ape perasaan korang? dah la yg kate 'bodoh' tu, drpd mulut org yg beragama tinggi.. x sesuai langsung dgn gelaran tu.. kalo rase nak mencarut, tak payah une gelaran tu. x elok budak2 kecik tgk..

aku mmg agak kecik ati la, coz its my mum and dad wedding anniversary mase 11.11.11 ari tu. and ade org beragama tinggi tu kate tarikh tu and org yg celebrate tarikh tu bodoh. Bodoh ke aku nak celebrate anniversary mak bapak aku? suka hati la.. org2 yg berfikiran sempit mcm ni la wat negara tak maju. menyampah btol.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

just admit

Bile kite susah, mesti kite sorang2 punye. Bile senang, tibe2 ade ramai orang sekeliling kite.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

one upon a time in my life

When i was young, i really loves to read. I love to learn and I am the type of person who loves to think. I admit that I did think a lot. I love to look at the sky while i'm travelling and think. I think most of the time. I always think, what if the things didn't happen, then what will happen to the person? I love to observe those greedy people, those people who really good in pretending, how liars lie, etc etc.. I can say that I saw many types of people, until one time, i felt so scared. How scary the world is, but no one choose to take some times and think.

How liars conquer the crowds, and get huge applause from the audience. liars always win. they will always get attention from others.

For once, i saw one quote that change my life. I learnt from it. I don't have to prove to people, I don't have to tell what i know if they refused to listen to me. Like in the exam, i tell them what i knw about it, if they refused to believe me, i don't mind. U can trust whoever u want to trust. Maybe i did wrong, who knows? in the end, just look at the results. then u will see who's right and who's wrong.

Yea, i can say that my life never be fair for me. i loose many things i love, i lost the person i love, even if until now i didn't know why i'm still the one God choose to be tested? Did i made huge sins, kill people until i deserve to get this punishments? I always want to make my parents proud of me, i always ensure i still among the best to make them happy. I never stabbed behind people back. I love all my friends. i help them if i can, i listen to what they want to say, i also the one who be there when they need friend the most.but it seems they never love me the way i do. ..

my bf really good to me. but, i don't think he trust me. i don't know, or its just my feelings.

Monday, November 7, 2011

i want to be evil now

i don't mean to be racist, and i never want to feel like this. not all of them, but ONLY this TWO people realy get me annoying. These TWO BLACK people really getting on my nerves. They think they so good enough? The girl left her own family she live with for 21 years for a uy she just met for 2 years. is it good?

everything she did they agreed. eventhough i already sad earlier about it, but they never listen to me.

my other black friends are ok, only his two people really annoyed me. stubborn. they think its easy to live by themselves?

one day he will leave you for his family. u just wait and see.

u won't be at the top forever. at least once u will fall down and u will never get up.