Friday, October 28, 2011

life has been good... :)

life now okok la. for me, i'm satiesfied with what i have now. enough money, enough everything, but poor health... :( biase la, student.... few weeks ni mmg keje keras mase attahments kat klinik and hospital... i'm very lucky coz dpt tmpt yg org2nye sume baik2 n helpful. so, mmg byk learn la..

so, am i already prepared to be a pharmacist?

there're so much things i want to learn, in which i just buat x taw je b4 dah nyesal.. but actually, i still can catch up... this semester almost at the end, next semester is my final semester, before i graduate.. please, please, let the time pass slowly... i want to learn more, love more, and appreciate more... 4 years.. time passby very quickly..

last week gi jumpa patient yg ade kanser... kesian sgt... lemah je, nmpak sgt tgh tahan sakit... each time nk administer chemo drugs, mcm ble tgk, yg dorang sgt2 harap dpt cpt sembuh, but at d same time, x sanggup nk terima ubat tu, sbb terlalu sakit... hope ble aku jd pharmacist nnt, aku nk elakkan sume extravasation event done by doctors. make sure dorang xde la suke2 bagi je,..

next week nk clerk case utk pt yg amek ubat yg senang dpt toxic level, or jenis2 ubat yg x mcm ubat biase.. usually ubat2 ni, dose berbeza utk stiap org... at d same time ade byk presentation... then kene siapkan research in 2 weeks time. tak raye la aku thn ni... name pon raye korban, so, aku pon koban jgk... korban nk celebrate n gi holiday demi researcch..... wuwuwu :'(