Sunday, August 7, 2011

My dear friend,

To farah,
Happy birthday to you!!!

Ak x reti la nak wish sgt...
Tapi ak hrp ko slalu happy,
jgn sedey2...
Kalo ko jatuh, cepat2 bagun balik..
byk benda kat dunia ni ko x wat lg..
so, discover new things everyday..
who knows, benda yg ko rase ko xley wat,
tapi end up jadi benda yg ko terer wat, kan?
nothing is impossible..
jgn dengar ckp org..
org kalo dah dengki kat kte, mcm2 dorang
leh wat utk jatuhkan kite..
yg penting sabar n wat xtau je..
ble ko dah success nnt,
diam la dorang tu.
(ingatan utk ak jgk. hehe)
Take care...
nnt kalo ade pluang, kte hangout la ye..

Have A Wondeful Birthday! :)


Farah Zamri said...

thank you awak for the wish!
am really appreciates it :)
i love you no matter what!
do take care ok?

and good luck for new semester!
study hard and always work smart :)
aku doakan kau berjaya dunia akhirat.