Monday, September 26, 2011

malas malas aje

Lots of things to do...

I'm planning a vacation, actually.. hehe.. tp xtau nak gi mane yg best...try search tp sume cam x best je.. maybe kene tunggu dulu la pasal vacation nie... mmg xde idea la... wuwu

Pastu, i'm planning a romantic dinner wif my bf... ysterday i asked him, " u prefer makan ape ek?" and he answered, " chinese food." lol.. actually aku plan nak masak (cewahhhhhhhhhhhhhh) and set up satu table kat tepi tasik putrajaya. wahaha.. tp, chinese food... MANE LA AKU TAU NAK MASAK CAMNE~~~!!! -____________-" haiz... nmpaknye kene makan kat restaurant je la..

and, pasni, aku rase nak improve my communication skills.. kene improve english.. and at d same time, nak try blaja mandarin... actually dah almost 2 year dgn die, aku bleh faham sikit2 la mandarin ni.. tp kalo nak cakap, aku x reti.. pnah aku try nak cakap, then dorang kate xde meaning pon. alahai.... lgpun, bgus pe kalo blaja mandarin ni, mane tau patient aku nnt cina, kan senang sket nak kaunseling... :)

then, nak kene study pasal last year punye ubat... then calculations lg...

sbenarnye aku ni busy, tp aku saje je rileks2 skang ni... haha!!