Saturday, May 28, 2011

to my b

Do u remember when the first time we date? - It was at the lake.
Do u remember when the first time u sent me sms? -It was in miss lina chemistry class.
Do u remember what u told me before? - U said u won't break my heart, u never want to see me cry, U will take all the broken pieces of my heart and put them together.
Do u remember what u promise me? -U promised that u love me the one and only ur girlfriend and won't do anything that sorry to me.
Do u remember what u said about my looks? -U said that even if i'm not the prettiest girl, but u still love me.
Do u remember what u said when i was so down about my looks? - U said, don't look at the mirror if u hate to see urself in it. Let me look at u and u just look at me.
Do u remember u always sms me, in the morning, afternoon and at night?
Do u remember u always said that u miss me, and can't wait to see me on the next day?
Do u remember that u said, u never want me to walk away?
Do u remember when u sang to me, and u sang with all ur heart?
Do u remember, do u ever remember anything about us?... are all our memories are meaningless to u? ...

wish u can feel the way i feel about u..